Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Search.ISearchIndexManager Interface

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions.Search
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
Defines the interface for a search index manager.


Search index managers feed content to a search engine. The interface for searching the index is provided by a separate interface, Search.ISearchProvider.


CanConnect (Site) Method

CanConnect (Site site)
Return whether the underlying search system is available.
Name Type
site Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.Site

Specifies the site. Implementations can store per-site settings.

Implementation of this method is optional.

ClearIndex (Site) Method

ClearIndex (Site site)
Clear all entries from the index.
Name Type
site Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.Site

Specifies the site whose index is to be cleared.

Index (ContentMetaData) Method

Index (ContentMetaData metadata)
Add the content specified by metadata to the search index.
Name Type
metadata Nucleus.Abstractions.Search.ContentMetaData

Remove (ContentMetaData) Method

Remove (ContentMetaData metadata)
Remove the content specified by metadata from the search index, if it is present.
Name Type
metadata Nucleus.Abstractions.Search.ContentMetaData
If the content is not present or if the search index manager does not support removing content, this function should return without error.