Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Models.Configuration.AuthenticationProtocol Class

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.Configuration
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
Represents a configured authentication protocol.


Scheme Property

Specifies the Authentication Protocol.
Valid values are: Negotiate (for Kerberos/Windows authentication)

FriendlyName Property

Display name for the authentication protocol.

Enabled Property

Specifies whether the protocol is enabled.

AutomaticLogon Property

Specifies whether the protocol is automatically attempted (by the login module) when a user navigates to a page containing the login module.

LdapDomain Property

Specifies LDAP domain name. Optional.

LdapMachineAccountName Property

Specifies the account name to use for LDAP queries. Optional.

LdapMachineAccountPassword Property

Specifies the password to use for LDAP queries. Optional.

CreateUsers Property

Specifies whether to create a Nucleus user for authenticated users, if there is no existing account for the user.

UserSyncOptions Property

Specifies whether to update the Nucleus user with data from the authentication provider during each login.

UserRemoveDomainName Property

Specifies whether to remove the domain name from the authenticated user name when checking for and creating a Nucleus user account.

AllowedUsers Property

Specifies which classes of users can log in with the authentication protocol.