Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Models.Page Class

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions.Models
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
Represent a page in a site.


Id Property

Unique record identifier.

SiteId Property

Read-only Id of the site which this page belongs to.

ParentId Property

Id of the page's parent in the menu structure, or NULL for pages which reside at the site root.

Name Property

Friendly name for the page.
The page name is used in the administrative interface, and in menus.

Title Property

Page Title.
The page title is rendered as the document <title> element. Some browsers display the document title as the browser window's caption, and it is also used by search engines as meta-data for the page.

Description Property

Page description.
The page description is rendered as document meta-data, to be used by search engines. Page descriptions may be used to populate a site search, and/or shown on-screen in search results and other cases where an extended description is required.

DefaultPageRouteId Property

The Id of a PageRoute representing the default route for the page.
When the system links to or redirects users to a page, it always uses the default route.

Routes Property

A list of routes for the page.

Keywords Property

Page keywords.
Page keywords is rendered as document meta-data, to be used by search engines. Page keywords may also be used to populate site search indexes, and may be shown on-screen in search results or in other cases.

Disabled Property

Flag used to determine whether the page is disabled.

ShowInMenu Property

Flag used to determine whether the page is included in menus.

IncludeInSearch Property

Flag used to determine whether the page is included in the search index.

DisableInMenu Property

Flag used to render the page in menus without a hyperlink.
This flag would be used in cases where you want a page to contain other pages, but which does not contain any content itself.

LayoutDefinition Property

Selected Layout for the page, or NULL to use the site default.

DefaultContainerDefinition Property

Gets or sets the default container for the page, or NULL to use the site default.
Pages which do not specify a default container use the site's default container.

SortOrder Property

Page sort order.
Page sort order for display in menus.

Modules Property

List of modules in a page.

Permissions Property

List of page permissions.

LinkType Property

Specifies the page link type.

LinkUrl Property

When Link Type: Url is set, specifies the Url that the page navigates to.

LinkPageId Property

When Link Type: Page is set, specifies the Id of the page within the site that this page navigates to.

LinkFileId Property

When Link Type: File is set, specifies the Id of the file that this page opens.

IsFirst Property

Specifies whether the page is the first in the sort order of its parents children

IsLast Property

Specifies whether the page is the last in the sort order of its parents children


URN Field

Page entity Namespace for permissions, other scoped references