Nucleus .Net Core CMS

IRestApiClient Interface

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
General-purpose Api client.


GetResponse<T> (String,String,HttpMethod,String,HttpContent) Method

GetResponse<T> (String baseUrl, String relativePath, HttpMethod httpMethod, String apiMethod, HttpContent content)
Send a Http request and return the response as the specified type T
Type Parameters
Name Type
baseUrl String
relativePath String
httpMethod System.Net.Http.HttpMethod
apiMethod String
content System.Net.Http.HttpContent

GetResponse<T> (String,String,HttpMethod,String,Object) Method

GetResponse<T> (String baseUrl, String relativePath, HttpMethod httpMethod, String apiMethod, Object content)
Send a Http request and return the response as the specified type T
Type Parameters
Name Type
baseUrl String
relativePath String
httpMethod System.Net.Http.HttpMethod
apiMethod String
content Object

GetResponseAsStream (String,String,HttpMethod,String,HttpContent) Method

GetResponseAsStream (String baseUrl, String relativePath, HttpMethod httpMethod, String apiMethod, HttpContent content)
Send a Http request and return the response as a stream,
Name Type
baseUrl String
relativePath String
httpMethod System.Net.Http.HttpMethod
apiMethod String
content System.Net.Http.HttpContent

GetResponseAsStream (String,String,HttpMethod,String,Object) Method

GetResponseAsStream (String baseUrl, String relativePath, HttpMethod httpMethod, String apiMethod, Object content)
Send a Http request and return the response as a stream,
Name Type
baseUrl String
relativePath String
httpMethod System.Net.Http.HttpMethod
apiMethod String
content Object

GetResponseAsString (String,String,HttpMethod,String,HttpContent) Method

GetResponseAsString (String baseUrl, String relativePath, HttpMethod httpMethod, String apiMethod, HttpContent content)
Send a Http request and return the response as a string.
Name Type
baseUrl String
relativePath String
httpMethod System.Net.Http.HttpMethod
apiMethod String
content System.Net.Http.HttpContent

GetResponseAsString (String,String,HttpMethod,String,Object) Method

GetResponseAsString (String baseUrl, String relativePath, HttpMethod httpMethod, String apiMethod, Object content)
Send a Http request and return the response as a string.
Name Type
baseUrl String
relativePath String
httpMethod System.Net.Http.HttpMethod
apiMethod String
content Object