Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Search.ISearchIndexHistoryManager Interface

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions.Search
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
Provides functions to manage search index history.


Search index history is used to track when search content items were indexed and is used to reduce the processing overhead for the search feeds by not submitting updates to search indexes when data has not changed. Search.IContentMetaDataProducer implementations can use this class to get the last-indexed date for entities and skip submitting them to search indexes if their content has not changed.


Save (SearchIndexHistory) Method

Save (SearchIndexHistory history)
Create or update a search index history item.
Name Type
history Nucleus.Abstractions.Search.SearchIndexHistory

Get (Guid,String,Guid) Method

Get (Guid siteId, String scope, Guid sourceId)
Retrieve a search index history item.
Name Type
siteId Guid
scope String
sourceId Guid
Search.IContentMetaDataProducer implementations use this function to retrieve the specified item's last indexed date.

Delete (Guid,String,Guid) Method

Delete (Guid siteId, String scope, Guid sourceId)
Delete the specified search index history item.
Name Type
siteId Guid
scope String
sourceId Guid

Delete (Guid) Method

Delete (Guid siteId)
Delete all search index history for the site specified by siteId.
Name Type
siteId Guid