Nucleus .Net Core CMS

ViewModels.FileUpload Class

Namespace: Nucleus.ViewFeatures.ViewModels
Assembly: Nucleus.ViewFeatures.dll
ViewModel for the FileUpload control.


Text Property

Display text for the upload control.

CssClass Property

Css class for the upload button.

ControlName Property

Name of the form field used to submit the uploaded file.

ActionName Property

Action name

ControllerName Property

Controller Name

AreaName Property

Area name

ExtensionName Property

Extension name

Enabled Property

Specifies whether uploads are enabled.

Filter Property

File filter.
@await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(Nucleus.ViewFeatures.Controls.FileUpload), new { actionName = "UploadImageFile", Filter = "image/*" }) @await Component.InvokeAsync(typeof(Nucleus.ViewFeatures.Controls.FileUpload), new { actionName = "UploadImageFile", Filter = ".gif,.png,.jpg,.jpeg,.bmp" })
This value is a comma-separated list of file types, and/or file type specifiers.