Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Models.ControlPanelExtensionDefinition Class

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions.Models
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
Represents a control panel extension.


Id Property

Unique record identifier.
The Id of a control panel extension definition is generated by a developer and is included in the extension manifest file used to install it.

FriendlyName Property

Friendly name for the control panel extension definition, used for on-screen display in the administrative interface.

Description Property

Description for the control panel extension definition, used for on-screen display in the administrative interface.

ControllerName Property

Controller name for the control panel extension's Controller class.

ExtensionName Property

Extension name for the control panel extension's Controller class.

Scope Property

Control panel extension scope.
Global-scoped control panel extensions are added to the "settings" control panel, site-scoped control panel extensions are added to the "manage" control panel.

EditAction Property

The Action name for the default "Editor" for the control panel extension.