Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Managers.IListManager Interface

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions.Managers
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
Provides functions to manage database data for Models.Lists.


Get an instance of this class from dependency injection by including a parameter in your class constructor.



CreateNew ()
Create a new Models.List with default values.
This function does not save the new Models.List to the database. Call Save to save the list.

Get (Guid) Method

Get (Guid id)
Retrieve an existing Models.List from the database.
Name Type
id Guid

GetListItem (Guid) Method

GetListItem (Guid id)
Retrieve an existing Models.List from the database.
Name Type
id Guid

List (Site) Method

List (Site site)
List all Models.Lists for the specified site.
Name Type
site Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.Site

List (Site,PagingSettings) Method

List (Site site, PagingSettings pagingSettings)
List paged Models.Lists for the specified site.

Save (Site,List) Method

Save (Site site, List list)
Create or update the specified Models.List.

Delete (List) Method

Delete (List list)
Delete the specified Models.List from the database.
Name Type
list Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.List

MoveDown (Site,List,Guid) Method

MoveDown (Site site, List list, Guid itemId)
Move list item down

MoveUp (Site,List,Guid) Method

MoveUp (Site site, List list, Guid itemId)
Move list item up