Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Models.Export.SiteTemplate Class

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.Export
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
Site export wrapper class.


Name Property

Template friendly name.

Description Property

Template description.

Site Property

Site information.

PermissionTypes Property

Permission types.
Permission types are not site-specific, but can be included in a template.

ScheduledTasks Property

Scheduled Tasks.
Scheduled tasks types are not site-specific, but can be included in a template. The import wizard does not check to ensure that the relevant extension for a scheduled task is installed, so only core scheduled tasks should be included in templates.

Pages Property

Site Pages, including modules, permissions.

Contents Property

Module content.

Lists Property

Lists and list values

RoleGroups Property

Site Role groups

Roles Property

Site Roles

MailTemplates Property

Mail templates



xml namespace for the site export file.
A site export file can be used as a template for creating a new site.