Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Managers.IContentManager Interface

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions.Managers
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
Defines the interface for the content manager.


Modules can store their content (Html, or another format) using the container manager. For example, the TextHtml and MultiContent modules use the content manager to save and retrieve their content, instead of using their own database tables. Get an instance of this class from dependency injection by including a parameter in your class constructor.


List (PageModule) Method

List (PageModule pageModule)
List all content for a module.
Name Type
pageModule Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.PageModule

Get (Guid) Method

Get (Guid id)
Get content specified by id.
Name Type
id Guid

Save (PageModule,Content) Method

Save (PageModule pageModule, Content content)
Save the specified content.

Delete (Content) Method

Delete (Content content)
Delete the specified content.
Name Type
content Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.Content

MoveDown (PageModule,Guid) Method

MoveDown (PageModule module, Guid contentId)
Update the SortOrder of the content specifed by id by swapping it with the next-highest SortOrder.
Name Type
module Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.PageModule
contentId Guid

MoveUp (PageModule,Guid) Method

MoveUp (PageModule module, Guid contentId)
Update the SortOrder of the content specifed by id by swapping it with the previous SortOrder.
Name Type
module Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.PageModule
contentId Guid