Nucleus .Net Core CMS

DataProviderExtensions Class

Namespace: Nucleus.Data.EntityFramework
Assembly: Nucleus.Data.EntityFramework.dll
Extensions for entity-framework data provider dependency configuration.


AddDataProvider<TDataProvider, TDbContext> (IServiceCollection,IConfiguration) Method

AddDataProvider<TDataProvider, TDbContext> (IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
Add the specified data provider and DbContext to the services collection.
Type Parameters
TDataProvider .
TDbContext Entity framework DbContext class.

AddDataProvider<TDataProviderInterface, TDataProvider, TDbContext> (IServiceCollection,IConfiguration) Method

AddDataProvider<TDataProviderInterface, TDataProvider, TDbContext> (IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration)
Add the specified data provider and DbContext to the services collection.
Type Parameters
TDataProviderInterface Interface used by modules to access the data provider. This type is used as a key to the dependency injection service collection.
TDataProvider .
TDbContext Entity framework DbContext class.

AddDataProvider<TDataProvider, TDbContext> (IServiceCollection,IConfiguration,String) Method

AddDataProvider<TDataProvider, TDbContext> (IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration, String schemaName)
Add the specified data provider and DbContext to the services collection for the specified schema name.
Type Parameters
TDataProvider Interface used by modules to access the data provider. This type is used as a key to the dependency injection service collection.
TDbContext Entity framework DbContext class.
Use this overload when you want to specify a schema name.

AddDataProvider<TDataProviderInterface, TDataProvider, TDbContext> (IServiceCollection,IConfiguration,String) Method

AddDataProvider<TDataProviderInterface, TDataProvider, TDbContext> (IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration, String schemaName)
Add the specified data provider and DbContext to the services collection for the specified schema name.
Type Parameters
TDataProviderInterface Interface used by modules to access the data provider. This type is used as a key to the dependency injection service collection.
TDataProvider .
TDbContext Entity framework DbContext class.
Use this overload when you want to specify a schema name.