Nucleus .Net Core CMS

IDatabaseProvider Interface

Namespace: Nucleus.Data.Common
Assembly: Nucleus.Data.Common.dll
Data provider configuration interface.



TypeKey ()
Database provider type key.
This value is used to represent the database provider in the database configuration file 'Type' property.

AddDataProvider<TDataProvider> (IServiceCollection,DatabaseConnectionOption,String) Method

AddDataProvider<TDataProvider> (IServiceCollection services, DatabaseConnectionOption options, String schemaName)
Add data provider objects to the service collection for the data provider specified by TDataProvider if configuration contains an entry specifying that the data provider uses the database provider implementing this interface.
Type Parameters

GetDatabaseInformation (DatabaseConnectionOption,String) Method

GetDatabaseInformation (DatabaseConnectionOption options, String schemaName)
Return database diagnostics information if configuration contains an entry specifying that the data provider uses the database provider implementing this interface.

ListDatabases (String) Method

ListDatabases (String connectionString)
Return a list of available databases. This method is used by the setup wizard.
Name Type
connectionString String

TestConnection (String) Method

TestConnection (String connectionString)
Test database connection.
Name Type
connectionString String