Nucleus .Net Core CMS

Models.FileSystem.FileSystemItem Class

Namespace: Nucleus.Abstractions.Models.FileSystem
Assembly: Nucleus.Abstractions.dll
Represents an item (file or folder) stored in a file system.


Id Property

Id of database reference for the file system item

IsSelected Property

Gets or sets whether the user has selected this item on-screen.

Provider Property

The file system provider name

Path Property

The path of the file system item. Path formats are defined by the relevant FileSystemProvider

Parent Property

The path of the file system item's parent. Path formats are defined by the relevant FileSystemProvider. The format of a path for a "root" item is defined by the relevant FileSystemProvider.

Name Property

Display Name of the file system item.

DateModified Property

Last modified date.

Capabilities Property

Capabilities of the file system item.
Some file system providers are not able to perform certain operations at certain levels of the file system (or at all). This property returns an object which specifies which operations are available.